United Queendom Cards

This deck of cards was created with the intention of fostering stronger connections and relationships between maternal figures and their daughters. It's about discovering the beauty in understanding each other not just as mother and daughter, but as individuals. Together, let's embark on this journey to create a harmonious and United Queendom.

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Mother Edition

United Queendom Journal

The United Queendom journal is all about giving mothers a place to jot down thoughts and feelings as they reflect on using the United Queendom cards with their daughters. It includes prompts and questions aimed at helping you delve deeper into your United Queendom journey, capturing memories, and exploring follow-up questions.

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Daughter Edition

United Queendom Journal

The United Queendom journal is all about giving daughters a place to jot down thoughts and feelings as they reflect on using the United Queendom cards with their moms. It includes prompts and questions aimed at helping you delve deeper into your United Queendom journey, capturing memories, and exploring follow-up questions.

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